Healing Together
Umi Wellness Offerings & Services
Send the contact form below for more info!
Here’s what we are building!
All are welcome, because what works for the most sensitive of us is better care for ALL of us.
Check out our new weekly and monthly classes HERE. Movement intelligence, music, and the InBody lecture series with special guest speakers.
Umi understands human bodies with chronic illnesses, connective tissue disorders, fibromyalgia, seronegative autoimmune diseases, and other complex, multi-systemic conditions.
Online & hybrid Offerings
Our core, patient advocacy consulting and health coaching, is in full swing.
we are adding new free, community programs, online classes and self treatment courses each month.
This community is built for you. As we grow we will be adding community acupuncture, ScarWork, massage, bodywork, OMT, Counseling, narrative trauma recovery, personal training, and all in the most mast cell friendly environment we can muster!
All memberships last a lifetime. Why are we doing it this way? In order to create and protect a place where each member can be truly free to explore, process, and understand the conditions they live with with freedom and genuine compassion.
Not just a community for you, for your whole family too! In addition to a variety of support groups we’ll have teen and children’s social events like RPGs and board game afternoons, special big-brother and big-sister support/mentorship for children with chronic conditions, and family days where you can bring your children with you and have help looking out for them while you get the services you need.
Umi Classes and Events held year round! We’ll host educational events on unique and specialized conditions, navigating medical care, support for caregivers, understanding mental health in chronic conditions, special retreats for members to rest and focus on recovery, and classics like dance, movement, yoga and exercise taught by people with training and even personal experience with what you live with daily.
Inquire about membership here,
This is not a membership obligation.