Mission & Vision
Curious and want to learn more?
Drop in to one of our new member classes! Offered every second Tuesday of each month via Zoom. Just email a request to our office at office@umiwellnesscenter.com or fill out an inquiry below.
view dates and times on our community calendar.
We’ve been taught to distrust our bodies and disconnect their well-being from our own. The body is a tool for us to use and if it has glitches we feel betrayed. But this isn’t how we are made to live. The majority of our nervous system from spinal column to the beautiful swaths of fascia around each organ and tissue, is designed to communicate with us in a language beyond words. We are made to know ourselves.
At Umi our mission is to honor the mind, body and spirit of each unique member as a path healing and wholeness is established together with a diverse community of like-minded people. To lay a foundation for changing the paradigm of how we live, listen and communicate about our health FIRST with ourselves and then with family, physicians and beyond. It starts here.
LEAP into Community!
L – Learn Continually
E – Engage Relationally
A – Attach with Joy
P – Play, Always.
In the Umi space we will be healing together. Integrating the necessary elements of medical care and awareness for chronic, multi-system conditions and disorders with a wide variety of classes, therapies and community programs to custom build what you need to create and maintain stability meaningfully and personally. And for those with wonderful health, we will join you in your endeavor to continue knowing yourself and living the life you long for with mind, body and spirit as one.
healing together…
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